Prism provides SAP XI Training in Mumbai Chennai Hyderabad & also in Goa Ahmedabad Nagpur India.
We also provide SAP XI Training in Bangalore Pune Delhi & also in Noida Gurgaon Chandigarh.
SAP XI Training Course :
Module I
Introduction to integrationIntroduction to EAL-B2B and B2c
Overview Of EAT
Module II
Introduction to SAP Net WeaverPeople integration
Introduction to Integration
Process Integration
Information Integration
Modules in SAP NetWeaver
Module III
Components in SAP XIDesign Time Components
Administrative and monitoring components
Runtime Components
Architecture of XI
Module IV
- Archating Products
- Technical System
- Business System
- Software Components
- Usage dependencies
Module V
- Integration Repository
- Configuring mapping objects
- Interface mapping
- Message mapping
- Configuring interface objects
- Defining Message interfaces
- Architecture
Module VI
- Integration Directors
- Creation's Logical Routing
- Agreements
- Architecture
- Creating configuring collaboration
- Configuring collaboration profiles
Module VII
- Adapter communication
- File
- Proxy communication
- Java Proxy sever Administration
Module VIII
- Business processed Management
- Message steps Receive send Transformation
- BPM Scenarios
- Designing integration process
- Workflow steps
- Flow steps (Switch Fork Block Control.)
Module IX
- Integration Scenarios
- File to DOC
- ABAP proxy to IDoc
- File to RFC
- File to file
- BPM Scenarios (2)
Module X
- Runtime Work bench
- End -to-End Monitoring
- Cache Monitoring
- Components monitoring
- Performance Monitoring
- Message monitoring
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