Prism Technologies is a modern and also dynamic organisation offering Dojo training to companies throughout India. We provide a unique blend of consultancy and also hands-on training providing you with the productive skills to improve your performance.
Prism is an corporate Dojo training firm present in Mumbai, Pune & also in Chennai Bangalore. We have provided corporate Dojo training across India in other locations as well including Hyderabad, New Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon Kolkata & Chennai as well.
We will not train you to use redundant features that are part of some academic curriculum; instead we will show you how to unleash the power that lies behind this super-suite of software.
Dojo Training Course
Dojo is an open source toolkit which benefits you to write robust and proficient JavaScript code. JavaScript is a language which operates within a web browser, and there are several versions of web browsers that understand JavaScript in somewhat dissimilar ways.Toolkits like Dojo, jQuery, YUI, Prototype, and many others are developed to ease the browser peculiarities so that you don't have to learn them altogether plus handle them in your code.
There are time and again numerous ways to code the same thing using JavaScript. Toolkits like Dojo offer functions you can utilize in order to do things in much simpler and effective ways. Making use of libraries from a toolkit can minimize the lines of code you write and in turn make your JavaScript applications speedier and more steady.
Dojo Training Courses
Training in Dojo Framework with Dijit and DojoX
In this course participants will learn how to build great JavaScript Ajax applications by making use of the Dojo Toolkit, Dijit, and DojoX.Advanced Dojo Framework Training with Dijit and DojoX
Through this course you will learn how to build rich, JavaScript-driven applications using the Advanced Dojo framework along with Dijit and DojoXComprehensive Dojo Framework Training with Dijit and DojoX
This course will teach you how to develop robust JavaScript Ajax applications using the Dojo Toolkit, Dijit, and DojoX. Participants will also learn advanced JavaScript Ajax applicationsKindly contact us for more details.
Please browse further for courses in java namely basic Java, Advance java, J2ee, JSF, Spring, Struts, HIbernate, Html5, Apache, Apache Tomcat, Apache Hadoop, Maven, Ember, Gradle, Jboss, Jenkins etc...