Prism Technologies provides SAP MM Training in Mumbai Chennai Hyderabad & also in Goa Ahmedabad Nagpur India.
We also provide SAP MM Training in Bangalore Pune Delhi& also in Noida Gurgaon Chandhigarh.
SAP MM Training Course :
Introduction to ERP
ERP PackagesIntroduction to SAP
Functions and Objectives of MM
SAP Real Time Project Team Structure and also Business Process
FSAP R/3 Architecture
SAP Navigation
GL master recordOrganizational structure of an Enterprise in the SAP R/3 System
Company, Company code, Controlling Area, Plant, Storage Location, also Purchase Organization, Purchasing group
Master Data
Material MasterVendor Maste
Purchase Info Record Source Determination
Source List
Quota Arrangement
Purchase RequisitionPurchase Order P.O. wref to PR, RFQ, also CONTRACT AND ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT CATEGORY
Request For Quotation (RFQ) Outline Agreement
Document Types for Purchasing Documents
- Define Document Type
- Account determination
- Define Number Ranges for Document Types
- Define Screen Layout At Document Level
Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents
- Controlling area
- Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, Request For Quotation (RFQ), also Outline Agreement- Contracts, Schedule Agreement
Pricing Procedure
- Maintain Condition Tables
- Define Access Sequence
- Define Condition Types
- Defining Calculation Schema
- Define Access SequenceDefine Schema Group 1. Schema Group Vendor 2. Schema Group for Porg 3. Assignment of Schema Group to Porg
- Define Schema Determination 1. Determine Calculation Schema for Standard Purchase Orders
External Service Management
- Service Master Creation
- Service PO
- Services Entry Sheet
Optimized Purchasing
Automatic PO w ref to PR- Profitability segments
- Automatic PO at GR
Inventory Management
- Movement Types
- Goods Receipt Scenarios 1. Creation of GR 2. Cancel GR 3. Return delivery to vendor 4. GR for Partial Delivery 5. GR for Stock Types
- Reservation Creation of Reservation Creation of GI wref to Reservation
- Goods Issue
- Transfer Postings 1. From Plant to Plant One Step And Two Step Process 2. From Sloc to Sloc One Step And also Two Step Process 3. From Stock to Stock Blocked to Quality, Blocked to Unrestricted use Stock, Quality to Unrestricted use Stock
Physical Inventory
- Types of Physical Inventory
- Creating Physical Inventory Document
- Entering Physical Inventory Count
- List Of Inventory Differences
- Post the Difference
Special Stocks and also Special Procurement Types
- Consignment
- Stock transport order
- Subcontracting
- Pipeline
- Returnable transport packaging RTP
- Third Party Processing
Valuation and Account Determination
- Introduction to Material Valuation Price Control 1. Moving Price 2. Standard Price
- Split Valuation
- Configure Split Valuation
- Split Valuation
- Define Global Categories
- Defining Global Type
- Defining Local Definition& Assignment
Invoice Verification
- Basic Invoice Verification Procedure
- Invoice for Purchase Order
- Unplanned Delivery Costs
- Planned Delivery Costs
- Credit Memo
- Blocking the Invoice
- Releasing Blocked Invoices
- Subsequent Debit/Credit
- Automatic Settlements (ERS)
- ERS Configuration Settings
- GR/IR Account Maintenance
Integration Concepts
- Integration of MM with FI/CO Automatic Account Determination
Integration of MM with SD
- Stock Transport Order (STO)
- Intra Company Stock Transfer
- Service Entry Sheet
- Inter Company or Cross Company Stock Transfer
External Service Integration of MM with PPManagement
- MRP Concepts
- Planned Independent Requirements
- Consumption Based Planning
- Re Order Point Planning
- Automatic and also Manual ROP
- Forecast Based Planning
Additional Topics
- MM Reports
- General Customize Settings for Master data, also Purchasing, Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, ESM and CBP
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